Yin Yang Balancing Qigong


  • Lengthen your body, relax your muscles, loosen your joints.
  • Allow your breath to be slow and quiet. Feel its movement in your abdomen.
  • Clear and focus your mind.

All moves begin with an inhale and stretching followed by an exhale and relaxing. Attempt, as best you can, to synchronize breath and movement.


  1. Péng Bird Spreads its Wings
  2. Lotus Flower Emerges from Water
  3. Goldfish Wiggles its tail
  4. Ripples and Waves
  5. Lion Twirls Qi Ball
  6. Peacock Fans its Tail Feathers
  7. Paired Swallows Skim the Water
  8. Fragrant Figure Eights
  9. Wind Through the Willows
  10. Rotating Qi Through the Universe to the Left
  11. Rotating Qi Through the Universe to the Right
  12. Water Cascading Down High Mountain
  13. Wind Swirls Over Lotus Leaf (inside to out)
  14. Wind Swirls Over Lotus Leaf (outside to in)
  15. Embrace Yin and Yang (left hand on top)
  16. Embrace Yin and Yang (right hand on top)
  17. Colorful Butterflies Dance in the Air
  18. Polishing the Energy Medicine Pearl on the Lotus Leaf (left on top, counterclockwise)
  19. Polishing the Energy Medicine Pearl on the Lotus Leaf (right on top, clockwise)
  20. Storing Qi in the Tan Tien


Yin Yang Balancing Qigong is based on Shifu Jianye Jiang’s Yin Yang Medical Qigong form. Yin Yang Balancing Qigong combines elements of White Crane, Wild Goose, Wisdom, and Fragrant qigong forms into one elegant, simple, yet powerful form.

The inherent health enhancement qualities of Yin Yang Balancing Qigong are derived from mindfully synchronizing movement and breath in a smooth flow through various aspects of Yin and Yang; Moving up/down, forward/back, left/right. Breathing in/out. Weight shifting full/empty. Muscles stretched/relaxed. Mental focus outward/inward.